Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Final Evaluation

Truthfully, it’s crazy to think I have already completed English 112. All of my classes, but especially my English 112 class has gone by extremely fast. I don’t know whether or not it’s because English has always been my favorite subject, or because the passion I have of wanting to become an English teacher. Whatever the reason may be, I do know that Professor Brandon has made me eager and willing to continue to want to pursue my life time dream.  I know I may not be his favorite student, but his teachings have truly taught me a lot, not only dealing with the subject, but things I will need to take in with me into the future aka, “the real world.”

This English 112 class has taught me how to use many different techniques in an everyday life, such as dealing with people or writing a paper. For example, learning how to communicate when surrounded by awkward, or new people, things like having the proper knowledge in making a better schedule, whether it be work, school, or just a weekly schedule. I have learned exactly what an appeals triangle is and how to analyze an argumentative essay. I have learned little, funny things like how to stand when having a conversation with someone. Taking this class has helped produce me with better knowledge in knowing, as well as learning the difference between logos, pathos, and ethos. This paper is an honest argument about what I have learned this semester, whether it’d be about the English subject, or life learning material.
By writing this honest and valid argument, I would hope to deserve a decent grade on this paper. I’m not saying I deserve an A+ because quite frankly no paper is perfect. Writing this argumentative paper has helped me remind me of what I have learned throughout this semester. Basically, I’m self observing myself. First off, this class wasn’t all about taking notes. It was a class where you would have to actively listen. In doing so, this taught me how to take in people’s thought and words about a certain topic or situation and analyze it. I learned how to state an opinion in a way that would come off as good criticism for the person stating their opinion. Knowing that I’m a very sociable, not to mention friendly, and a people person, one would think that I wouldn’t need any help in learning how to communicate with people. Here is where I’m wrong. I now know how to communicate correctly with not only three people, but ten people.
         Using oral communication in my everyday life has never once been a problem for me. Taking this English 112 class has helped me feel more comfortable interacting with strangers, or when put in awkward situations. I have learned different ways to communicate with others by using some unique techniques. When placed in a group discussion, it’s necessary to include everyone in the group. Having proper conversation etiquette will help a person go very far in life. The students in my class have helped me notice ways, wrong from right, in communicating with a group. Always remember that everyone has their own opinion. Just because you feel one way about a topic, doesn’t mean your group should feel the same way. (
         English 112 has helped me comprehend the true meaning of constructive criticism. Being able to get your point across without being rude to your partner is how interactions must be done. Surprisingly, many people don’t know that your body posture can make a huge impact in a conversation with someone. The same goes for using eye contact with the person that is talking or is being talked to. (                                      

Before this semester, I barely had any knowledge on rhetoric or rhetorical triangles. I have learned what Aristotle’s meanings and differences in these three different areas; logos, pathos, and ethos. ( These three different areas in writing show us the speaker’s ability to persuade an audience. The three appeals do differ. Pathos appeals to the emotions, beliefs, and values. It can also be thought of as the role of the audience in the particular argument. Ethos appeals to the writer’s character. Ethos also gives the credibility to the writer. Logos appeals to the reason and the actual text of the argument. The appeals triangle has all of these appeals listed on the equilateral triangle. Sometimes a text can represent more than one of the appeals listed above. By remembering the rhetorical triangle, one can always write a well written paper to the right audience. A rhetorical triangle covers three areas: message, audience, and the author (communicator). These help to formulate your thoughts by getting your message across to the right audience. The rhetorical triangle helped me improve my writing. (
The notes that I have taken in class have helped me understand certain processes in English better. Whenever my professor talks, I always try to jot down everything he has to say. This has also helped me better my note-taking skills. Technology in this class was never used too much until the end of the semester. I learned how to make my own blog. The steps were easy and painless. Also, I learned how to organize a paper using “”. (  Using these forms of technology have helped eager me to write more and more. Never did I ever thing I would have my own blog. The views I get on it surprise me more and more each day. The technology that has been incorporated into my writings has helped improve my skills in technology. (

In English 112, we read a lot of articles and wrote about some of them too. I understand the writing process a lot more now too.   The steps seems very clear to me, as well as determining which step comes before the other. I now have the ability to write to a certain audience. I have learned procedures in brainstorming and outlining. My reading skills have improved tremendously this semester. It’s one thing being able to read an article especially an advanced article, but it’s another thing when you can actually analyze what the author is saying. In doing so, it helps you make distinctions between two articles you may have to compare. A form of writing process that I used digitally was my blog. Breaking paragraphs down to input some of the information into my evaluation is what I have done. (
Before taking my English 112 class, I had very little knowledge on how to make a weekly schedule or what a schedule even was to that matter. By completing our weekly schedule assignment in class about what we wanted to accomplish that week, has made it easier for me to keep up with a schedule. Being a college student, I feel that having a schedule for school is a must. This course has also helped me deal better with time management. It’s necessary for a student to have great time management so that they don’t procrastinate. Having time management helps prevent procrastination which will lead to better results in grades. (

It’s been a fun, yet short journey in my English 112 class. I have experienced many new things and teachings from my Professor that other students haven’t. It has definitely been a learning process through the way, but such a privilege as well. This class was definitely one of a kind. Friendships I have made with some of my classmates will be cherished forever. I can honestly say I have never had an English professor misspell as many words as Professor Brandon, but hey, he always had us laughing and entertained. Whether it was the class taking pictures of him for his facebook, or watching him drink his leafy type of tea everyday, he was definitely one of a kind and always tried his best to teach us, but always in a fun way and in a way where us freshman would understand better.
I feel like I at least deserve a B+ on this paper. In my opinion, I deserve an A in this class for the reasons being: I have had perfect attendance; I have done all my required work, and have participated in all group activities. This class has prepared for me for my next English level I need to take in order to help receive my degree to become a successful English teacher. English 112 has allowed me to understand that everyone of us needs improvement and that there is always room for it. I have enjoyed my time and experience in my English 112 class and don’t want to see it end. I hope the next English class I decide to take will be as interesting as this one.

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