Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rhetorical Knowledge

Before entering English 112, I was not as aware as I am now with rhetorical triangles and rhetorical knowledge. We learned about the two most commonly used triangles in writing. The appeals triangle was represented by Aristotle. The rhetorical triangle is what I use as a source when I do write. (LINK IN RHETORICAL TRIANGLES)

By remembering the rhetorical triangle, one can always write a well written paper to the right audience. A rhetorical triangle covers three areas: message, audience, and the author (communicator). These help to formulate your thoughts by getting your message across to the right audience. The rhetorical triangle helps me improve my writing.

When I write, I sometimes will persuade my audience and catch their attention. I inform and I express myself in writing papers. I want to be able to make a great impression on my reader. Rhetorical triangles have helped me realize what I can do and how to write to an audience.

It's always good to create a bond with your audience through your writing. A writer always wants to be honest through their messages being sent out to their audience. Rhetoric helps improve one's communication skills when adapting to their audience. (LINK IN RHETORIC WEBSITE)

Rhetoric can be used in any type of writing with no restrictions. Rhetoric strategies a writer uses will most likely differ by the audience they're writing to, as well as it's subject. People will always disagree. Dissagreements can be made by discussing a person's writings. This is just the art of rhetoric.

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